You’ve waited for Google to crawl your site all these years.
Google was not interested in your efforts to attract them.
We have some good news! It’s possible to relax.
You’ve been able to figure out the secret formula for increasing the Google crawl rate of your website. Also, a perfect SEO specialist can help you do this:
Drum rolls …. and the formula is…
What is the Google Crawl rate?
Google crawl rate refers to the frequency with that Googlebot visits your site. It depends on the type of website and what content you post.
Googlebot won’t be able to crawl your site properly, and your pages or posts won’t get indexed.
Googlebot cannot be forced to love you. Instead, send an invite to let Googlebot know how awesome you are.
Steps to Increase Google Crawl Rate for Your Website
Here are some ways to increase Google crawl rates.
1. Regularly add new content to your website
Content is one of the most important criteria to search engines.
Websites that regularly update their content have a better chance of being crawled.
It is recommended to post content at least three times per week to improve Google’s crawl rate. For more help, contact the best SEO services around you.
Instead of creating new pages, you can create new content through a blog. This is one of the most cost-effective and easy ways to produce content regularly.
2. Increase the load time of your website
Crawlers are limited in their ability to index your site.
It will spend too much time looking at your pdfs or images, and it won’t have time to look at other pages.
To speed up your website’s load time, create smaller pages that contain fewer graphics and images.
Be aware that crawlers can have trouble with embedded audio or video.
3. Google Crawl Rate Increased by Sitemaps
Each page on the website must be crawled. However, it is not always possible to crawl all content.
Sitemap submission is an important step to making your site searchable by Googlebot.
A sitemap can make it easy to crawl a website efficiently and effectively.
These will help you to prioritize and categorize your web pages. The pages with main content will be crawled faster and indexed quicker than those without. An SEO specialist can do wonders in helping you out.
4. Increase Server Response Time
Google states that you should keep your server response time below 200ms.
Your Google page is loading slower than normal, and your visitors may experience the same.
Your web pages can be optimized for speed. Your pages will not display quickly if your server response times are slow.
Google will highlight this on the Google Search Console’s ‘crawl rate’ page. It can be set to ‘Faster.
Also, use the hosting you already have and increase your site’s cache.
5. Avoid Duplicate Content
Google will reduce its crawl rate if you have duplicate content. Search engines can quickly identify duplicate content.
You can be sure that duplicate content is a sign of a lack of originality and purpose.
Search engines could ban or lower your rankings if your pages contain duplicate content.
6. Robots.txt can block unwanted pages
You may not want search engines to index large websites. For example, the admin page and backend files.
Googlebot can be stopped from crawling these pages by robots.txt
Robeots.txt’s main purpose is straightforward. However, they can be complicated to use, and they could banish your site from the search engine index if you make mistakes.
So always test your robots.txt file using Google Webmaster tools before uploading.
7. Optimize Images and Videos
Images will only be displayed in search results if they are optimized.
Crawlers won’t be able to read images like humans.
Images should be tagged with alt tags and include descriptions to allow search engines to index them.
This same principle applies to videos. Google doesn’t like ‘flash’ as it can’t index them.
These elements can be difficult to optimize, so it is best to either reduce their use or not use them.
Summing Up Our Google Crawl Rate Optimization Techniques
Google states that the crawl rate is not a ranking factor.
Google stated that a higher crawl rate does not automatically lead to better search results. Google uses hundreds of signals to rank search results. While crawling is essential for ranking the results, it is not a ranking signal.
Your website will rank higher in search engines’ SERPs. This will help you get more organic searches. If your Google crawl rate is high, this will result in more organic searches. Every search engine marketing strategy should consider the website’s crawl rates.
Although it is possible to improve Google crawl rates, it won’t happen overnight. It takes patience.
You will see a mutual love for your website if you apply the above tips. You will see more traffic to your pages.